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The dragon is the symbol and the protector of Ljubljana and has a pride of place on the city coat of arms and on the Dragon Bridge. Legend has it that Ljubljana was founded by Jason, a hero from Greek mythology who stole a golden fleece from King Aeëtes and fled abroad Argo. Argonauts traveled across Black sea up Danube and Sava river until they reached Ljubljanica river and dismantled their ship and carried it to the Adriatic coast. On their way they stopped at a large lake in the marshes near the source of the Ljubljanica where a dragon was said to dwell, whereupon Jason fought, defeated, and killed the monster.  Dragon figures are part of city tradition in present-day Ljubljana and you will see them wherever you go. 20 dragons can be found on the Dragons bridge. Football and basketball club’s Olimpija symbol is the dragon and their most fierce supporters of Ljubljana sports teams are called Green Dragons.

Zmaj je zaščitnik Ljubljane, ki ima svoje častno mesto v mestnem grbu in krasi Zmajski most, ki je postal sinonim za obisk Ljubljane.
Legenda pravi, da je bila Ljubljana ustan
a naj bi Ljubljano ustanovil mitološki grški junak Jazon, ki je kralju Aitesu ukradel zlato runo,
nato pa s tovariši Argonavti na ladji Argo pobegnil prek Črnega morja v reki Donavo in Savo vse do Ljubljanice, kjer so Argonavti razstavili ladjo, jo prenesli do Jadranskega morja, kjer so jo spet sestavili in vrnili v Grčijo.
Na poti k morju, so se ustvaili ob izviru reke Ljubljanice, ob velikem jezeru in barju, kjer je živel zmaj, tega je Jazon premagal in ubil.
Zmajski most kras in varuje jih kar 20 zmajev, ki so postali najprepoznavnejši element Ljubljane.
Ljubljanski športni klubi imajo zmaja tudi za svoj simbol, ni pa športa brez gorečih podpornikov, ki slišijo na ime Green Dragons!