Brda so daleč naokoli najbolj znana po briških češnjah, ki zorijo že od konca aprila/začetka maja pa kar do sredine junija. Sadež, poln sočnega okusa, prepoznavno rdeče barve in hrustljave teksture je v Brdih pridobil naziv kraljice briškega sadja. Najdemo jih sveže, v kulinariki, marmeladah in žganjih. Poznamo 150 pridelovalcev češenj, ki poskrbijo da ta sadež
dosega mere najvišje kakovosti. Brici so že v zgodovini nosili v koših in prevažali z vozovih daleč naokoli stare sorte, kot črne in bele cepike, drugmbernce, napoleonke, čufarce, tercinke, čempevke, vedrjanke in druge ter iz njih pripravljali številne okusne jedi. Posebna poštna služba je tedaj poskrbela za sveže pošiljke, Bricem pa je to bil prvi zaslužek po dolgi zimi. Že takrat so češnje bile cenjene tudi na cesarskem Dunaju, v daljnem Sankt Petersburgu, Pragi ter drugih evropskih prestolnicah.
Brda is by far the best known for the briške češnje cherries, which ripen from the end of April / beginning of May until the middle of June. The fruit, full of juicy taste, recognizable red color, and crispy texture gained the title of the queen of Brda fruit. They are found fresh, in cooking, jams, and spirits. The entire crop is carefully grown by more than 150 cherry growers, who make sure that this fruit reaches the highest quality. Brici have historically been carried in baskets and transported from carts far and wide around. Old varieties of Briške češnje, such as black and white
cepike, drugmberce, napoleonke, čufarce, tercinke, čempevke, vedrjanke and others, and prepared many delicious dishes from them. A special postal service then took care of fresh shipments, and for Brici - briške češnje was the first earner after a long winter. Even then, cherries were also prized in Imperial Vienna, distant St. Petersburg, Prague, and other European capitals.
dosega mere najvišje kakovosti. Brici so že v zgodovini nosili v koših in prevažali z vozovih daleč naokoli stare sorte, kot črne in bele cepike, drugmbernce, napoleonke, čufarce, tercinke, čempevke, vedrjanke in druge ter iz njih pripravljali številne okusne jedi. Posebna poštna služba je tedaj poskrbela za sveže pošiljke, Bricem pa je to bil prvi zaslužek po dolgi zimi. Že takrat so češnje bile cenjene tudi na cesarskem Dunaju, v daljnem Sankt Petersburgu, Pragi ter drugih evropskih prestolnicah.
Brda is by far the best known for the briške češnje cherries, which ripen from the end of April / beginning of May until the middle of June. The fruit, full of juicy taste, recognizable red color, and crispy texture gained the title of the queen of Brda fruit. They are found fresh, in cooking, jams, and spirits. The entire crop is carefully grown by more than 150 cherry growers, who make sure that this fruit reaches the highest quality. Brici have historically been carried in baskets and transported from carts far and wide around. Old varieties of Briške češnje, such as black and white
cepike, drugmberce, napoleonke, čufarce, tercinke, čempevke, vedrjanke and others, and prepared many delicious dishes from them. A special postal service then took care of fresh shipments, and for Brici - briške češnje was the first earner after a long winter. Even then, cherries were also prized in Imperial Vienna, distant St. Petersburg, Prague, and other European capitals.