Regular price €10,90

Slovenci imamo posebno radi TERAN. TERAN ima izrazit značaj KRASA in kraške burje. Teran PTP je rdeče, suho, mirno vino z zmerno vsebnostjo alkohola. Ima vonj in okus gozdnih sadežev. Barva TERANA je intenzivna, rubinasto rdeča, lahko z vijoličnimi odtenki. Ima značilno višje kisline in lahko se ga prideluje le na območju podokoliša Kraške planote, znotraj vinorodnega okoliša Kras iz sorte grozdja refošk. Teran ima veliko antioksidantov in se zaradi njih smatra kot eno bolj zdravilnih vin. Teranov najboljši sopotnik je kraški pršut, zato v Dutovljah tradicionalno poteka v mesecu avgustu "Praznik pršuta in terana".


Slovenians especially love TERAN. TERAN has a distinct character of KRAS and karst bora wind. Teran PTP (recognised traditional denomination) is a red, dry, still wine with moderate alcohol content smelling and tasting of forest fruits. The color of TERAN is intense, ruby red, sometimes with shades of purple. It has characteristically higher acids and can only be grown in the sub-region of the Kras plateau, within the Kras wine-growing region made from the refošk grape variety. Teran has many antioxidants and is considered one of the more healing wines because of them. Teran's best companion is kraški pršut prosciutto, which is why Dutovlje traditionally hosts the "Praznik pršuta in terana" (The Celebration of Prosciutto and Teran) in August.